Friday, November 28, 2008

Leftovers and Leftunders

Thanksgiving was great! I'm so full of turkey 'n' trimmings that I'm really too lazy today to come up with anything creative, so I borrowed a portion of a funny poem my cousin-in-law, Mike, just sent me. It's a poem that reflects the typical turkey coma most of us experience Thanksgiving day and the leftovers that follow.

"'Twill be Turkish leftovers, and left-unders, too;
There'll be soups, plates 'n' 'wiches, with stuffing and stew.
I can guess at our menu for the next dozen days;
Turkey this, Turkey that, in a post-Turkish haze.

That's enough of this stuff, for December's 'most here.
We each gobbled gobbler, and each drank his cheer.
So I wish you this tiding, this Thanksgiving thought:
May you live life quite fully, and enjoy what God's wrought."

Thanks for the chuckle, Mike. Now it's time to put on the long johns, lace up the sneakers, and go for a jog. Or maybe a brisk walk. Or maybe take a nap.

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