Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bump and Grind

It had to happen sooner or later. With all the snow and ice yesterday, I bumped (or rather slid) into the right fender of a parked car with my pick up truck. I managed to grind ground black rubber from the truck's rear bumper step pad into, and all along, the car's right rear fender. It made a rather surrealistic feathered design on the parked car. It was quite artsy, really. However, the claims appraiser didn't agree with my artistic approach to auto detailing.

The long and short of it is, the owners of the vehicle were very understanding. Probably because my insurance company will pay for all damages, plus the cost of a rental car.

The whole experience was positive. My insurance company had the whole thing resolved in less than three hours. My neighbors, whose car I hit, think I'm wonderful for reporting it in the first place. And, as for me, I'm not leaving the house until the spring thaw, which could be June in upstate NY.


lighty said...

stick to driving the one's that eat and poop.

bloody women drivers

Pam Beers. said...

I think you've got something there, lightly. I never got stuck in a snowbank with a horse. We either jump over them, go around them, or plow through them.

Whaddya mean women drivers!!