There's nothing better than a steaming, hot cup of coffee early in the morning. It brings me great joy. I love the aroma, the flavor, and the fact that it's the only thing that gets me motivated for barn duty at 6:00 a.m.
Sometimes that wonderful brew is referred to as Java, Joe, or Jamoke.
Java is named after the coffee bean produced on the Indonesian island of Java. Imagine that. How clever.
Joe comes from the song, "Old Black Joe" written by Steven Foster around 1850. He also wrote "Beautiful Dreamer" and "Oh! Susanna".
Jamoke (pronounced ja.moh.kee) is a combination of the words java and mocha. Now that's a really yummy combo.
For all you coffee lovers out there, I'd be curious to know what your favorite blend of java is. Here's to you.
Now, let's go have a cup of joyful Joe at Jenny's.