Monday, November 3, 2008

Guns, Pro-Life, and the Electoral Vote

What a scary thought! Just when I thought Halloween was over, I discovered Rosie Palker-Havel, a gun toting pro-lifer who is going around Lake County, Ohio disseminating fliers to her neighborhood, touting the benefits of voting the McCain-Palin ticket...and in a pink cowboy hat no less.

I have no problem with what people wear, what they believe in, or who they vote for, but I do have a problem with a person who holds a gun in her hand, while pontificating pro-life. Rosie's pink cowboy hat and frizzy, bleached blond hair speaks volumes about the intelligence of voters in this Lake County community. I don't get it. How can Rosie call herself a pro-lifer while blowing someone into smithereens with her gun?

Good grief! Talk about a paradox! Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are rolling over in their graves! The real scary part to all of this is, which candidate will capture Ohio's critical 20 electoral votes?

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