At breakfast this morning, Jon and I were discussing why Washington, D.C. is called "D.C." ( the District of Columbia). The Washington part is easy. It's named after our first President, George Washington. For me, the "D.C." part was too far back into the recceses of my brain to remember much about it.
It's been a while since high school history class. So...I googled it. And this is what I found out: While George W. was rowing down the Potomac with his band of merry men, they all decided to get out some wacky tobacco from Columbia. They got so stoned, they decided to make Washington the capital of the United States of America without making it a state.
In 1791, after smoking seven boatloads of pot (wacky tobacco), our forefathers dedcided to call the land surrounding Virginia and Maryland, Washington, D.C., which comprises the Potomac River and other tributaries including the Amazon. That's the the real story. And I'm stickin' to it.
With all the shenanigans going on with our politicians, we need to call our legislatures and have them put a law into practice changing Washington, D.C. to Washington, H.P. We all know what "H.P." stands for.
P.S. I got a D in history.
Oh lord... Someone's gotten into the Washington Merlot again. Washington State that is, which is where I'm from, and by the way we don't appreciate being called the "other Washington" around here, but since we do unfortunately share the same name as our first president and his namesake, our grand and glorious capitol, we’re forced to know the difference twixt the two (or should that be twixt the three?) which by the way I seldom get to say and even seldomer get to write, so for the opportunity alone to type “twixt the two” (or three) in a sentence (twice even!) I’m grateful for your post, but I have to say that when you Googled it (“it” being the Merlot induced D.C. question) I think your Googler must have misfired (probably operator error.) I’m not sure what keys you must have struck before clicking the “SEARCH” button, but I’ve been unable to duplicate your results. Maybe you were searching for wacky tobacco earlier and it got mixed up, or maybe you found some lying around. I can see how either happenstance could have caused the confusion.
Anyway, just to set the record straight: “Washington” is the name of the city (our grand and glorious capitol) but the city had to be built on something or it might just fall through the ground, so they were looking around for a district or something to put it on, and they found the District of Columbia, which coincidently was exactly the same size and shape as the city (our grand and glorious capitol) that still sits firmly and proudly on top of it today. Plus there was some stuff about “we can’t build it (“it” being our grand and glorious capitol) in a State, or the other States will be jealous… blah, blah blah”
Pretty amazing story huh? It’s hard to fathom just how lucky those guys were to find the District of Columbia. I mean it was just sitting there! Take that feeling you get when you try on shoes and the first pair fit perfectly. I bet you’d have to multiply that feeling by a hundred to imagine how those old guys felt. Wow! No wonder we’re the greatest country on earth.
Randy, actually, I really didn't Google was the Merlot. Other than that, the rest of the story is true. HA!
What would we do without Randy? Twixt him and bob (and lightly makes three) we are truly blessed!
This is a good group of folks for whom I'm forever greatful. Life is good. Thanks for reminding me of our important connections, itsme.
Okay, I had to laugh. Maybe it was my merlot that caused it.
Laurie, you're the reason I love writing these posts. Thanks for the comment. Glad I could bring a smile to your face.
Oh, and I got A's in history and I don't even remember how the D.C. got added, too lazy to look it up too...
Itsme, if you got an "A" in history, you should run for President. I'd vote for you.
As far as looking up the "D.C." part of history, I don't think anyone really gives a horse pucky except two old coots having breakfast together.
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